
An honest and heartfelt ceremony

Ceremony is an important part of our lives. It is used to mark some of our most important and memorable moments and rites of passage. How do we find the right balance of sincerity and depth without heaviness and seriousness creeping in? Can ceremony be deeply spirited and connected without being religious? The answer is a resounding yes. I would even say that connection can be easier without religion. We all share this life in common, we all live, love, suffer, dream and die together. Our different ideas about religion and how to approach god or spirit can easily be a source of separation rather than unity. A good ceremony needs to speak to that which we have in common, to our common humanity and it needs to turn us towards that which is greater than us – life itself. The ceremonies that I hold, be they weddings, funerals or even divorce ceremony, aim to unite us in what we share and turn our attention to our place within a greater community. The elements, the spirit of love itself, the sacred earth and our friendships and community.

Usually but not exclusively a ceremony to mark an important life event is witnessed by our friends and families, gathering together to act as witnesses to love or to a life lived. They may be very public and open or very private affairs. Whatever the occasion a ceremony is a time when we take an internal step towards sincerity and authenticity, towards our hearts and what we love. It is a way of allowing ourselves to be witnessed by life, to affirm our promises or honour our lives by asking creation to turn its gaze upon us for a short time and really see our sincerity, our humanity and our honesty.

Marriage ceremonies are tailor made to suit you and your needs. I have married people barefoot in the forest by the river and I have married folks in front of immaculately dressed friends and family. The ‘cathedral’ of your ceremony is up to you, the style of the ceremony will be your design. What I offer and promise is authenticity and connection, a ceremony to touch the heart and humanity of all those taking part. You can have as much or as little ‘God’ as you like but however you shape the day I will do my best to weave you and your guests into a wider and deeper context and ask for the blessing of this life that we all share for your marriage.

If you are interested in the kind of ceremony that I offer please get in touch with me.
