Well I find this vaguely embarrassing for some reason but I'm launching a Patreon account where if you are feeling generous and wealthy you can support my work with a one off or a monthly donation. I've never really made any money from my poetry creation except for selling a few books and CDs. No where near enough to cover production costs. Writing poetry comes for free but recording it and turning it into a finished and polished tracks most definitely does not ... (despite some incredibly generous friends).

If you have been touched by my words over the years and you feel like giving something back then I say thank you very much. If you have been touched and you don't feel like giving something back then I say thank you very much. The poetry is of course for free. I have to give it or I don't feel good. It is my duty and my pleasure as well as a way to try to make sense of this wild incarnation that we all share. So basically if you feel like giving feel free. I would be most grateful...

More poetry to the people!